Advertising testing can be very complex: involving both qualitative and quantitative analysis of advertising. The research includes testing ideas, concepts, visuals, audio and video.
Key indicators for identifying and monitoring the current and desired brand position in a competitive environment.
The purpose of the research is to understand the satisfaction of employees with various work-related aspects (work environment, processes, communication, remuneration, direct manager’s performance, etc.) to assist in personnel planning activities within your organization.
This type of research includes the analysis of consumer behavior and habits in order to formulate long-term strategies for important decision making or developing plans for change.
The results of these surveys are often seen in the press: this survey is most often used to measure general public views on certain issues.
Happy customers are much more likely to be also loyal customers. Customer satisfaction surveys provide an opportunity to find out what users of your services like and what needs to be improved. Surveys are usually done in two ways: immediately after the service is provided or at certain time intervals.
For a successful launch of a new product or service, it is worth knowing what the preliminary market capacity and potential is: Are the consumers ready for a new product? What benefits do they expect from it? What could the situations of product usage be? How and through which channels should the launch of the product or service be communicated? And who is the target audience for this product or service?
The main objective of this approach is to understand the competences and skills of the managerial staff withing the company – to obtain a detailed evaluation from a variety of sources: manager, subordinates, colleagues and self-estimation.
Product or concept testing can be carried out in specially prepared premises or in the respondents’ homes as well as online to find out the most acceptable taste, shape, packaging or even idea.
Web interviewing is used when the number of internet users in the target group is sufficient to ensure data validity. Web interviews are conducted using panels (interactive database of respondents, who have given prior consent to participate in surveys). These surveys are also conducted according to the provided contact list of customers or employees.
Telephone interviewing is used when the target group is easily accessible by telephone (e.g., company managers, clients, doctors, etc.) and the survey is short and does not involve visual material. The population is also interviewed by phone using quota sampling.
Face-to-face interviews are carried out when the target group is hard to reach by phone and internet or when the aim of the research is to conduct a representative survey of the entire population or visitors of a specific place. This method is also handy when a survey is complex, long, and involves additional means (e.g., visual material).
RAIT’s exit surveys provide real-time customer feedback. Gain insights into satisfaction and purchasing behavior to improve service, boost loyalty, and optimize your business.
This method is used to evaluate the efficiency and service quality of employees who service the customers directly.
This research method is perfect for assessing the situation: measuring flow, identifying customer/visitor behavior and evaluating the visibility of advertising or products.
FGD is a method of qualitative survey intended to find out the opinions, attitudes, experiences and beliefs of consumers related to the product, service, concept, promotion, idea or packaging under analysis.
This method focuses on one respondent at a time and is used to find out the respondent’s detailed opinion, views, and attitudes on a particular topic, e.g., evaluation of new products or service packages introduced to the market.
We have a unique online platform where people from Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda discuss various topics that concern you.
After analyzing the specifics of your business, RAIT team can help to create individual key performance indicators that will make it easier to evaluate and track the company’s performance.
This method of data collection is generally chosen to carry out a market review.
The answers of the respondents registered by this method allow ascertaining the perception of product value and finding out how much a respondent is willing to pay for the product.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is intended to find out the likelihood of customers to recommend the company or its services to others.
We use eye-tracking technology in our surveys to evaluate visual material (advertisements, websites, etc.).
15–25% of consumers of the world may be attributed to the category of prosumers.
We strive to develop long-lasting and reliable relations with our clients and to be the clients’ strategic partners. Our team stays involved and loyal to the client in all research stages.
We are the professionals of the research sphere and we work according to the strict business ethics and research professionals’ ethics code (ESOMAR). We invest into the constant training and development of our services being responsive to the clients’ needs.
We strongly believe that the client’s trust is earned due to a responsible attitude and our underlying objective to ensure beneficial results of high quality. We apply innovative technologies, ensuring the rapidity and reliability of data collection and processing. We implement established and strict quality control procedures in all the research stages.
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